Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lettuce: A Delicious & Nutritious Fall Crop

Warm soil and cool nights are perfect for cool-weather crops. The easiest to grow is lettuce. With a late frost and a little luck, you can be enjoying garden-fresh produce for another few months.

The benefits of planting lettuce and other cool-weather crops are numerous. Fall cool weather crops are delicious and nutritious. Filling the empty rows in your garden with fall crops will greatly reduce the number of weeds that will grow. Their lovely shades of greens and reds will refresh your garden.

About an hour or so before you plan to transplant your seedlings, water them well.

Prepare your soil by removing spent plants and weeds. Loosen the soil for the tender roots and work in some topsoil and fertilizer that we sell at Woodbridge Greenhouses. It is highly recommended to give your little lettuce plants a wonderful boost.

TIP: Try to transplant your lettuce seedlings on an overcast day or late in the afternoon to protect them from the hot sun.

Plant them around 6 inches apart and as deep as they were in the container. Firm the soil around them so they will stand tall, even when watered. Finally, gently water the plants thoroughly. Keep their soil moist. Young seedlings may need to be watered more often during the first week or two of growth. If the sun seems particularly strong, your young transplants may benefit from light shade for the first few days until their new roots become established.

No room in your garden? You'll be happy to know that lettuce also grows well in containers and window boxes. We recommend using a soil-less mix for best results.

To prolong your garden even longers, protect your plants from frost and cold temps with a cold frame or a simple cover of a light fabric to keep the frost off your precious plants. Protect whatever plants are still producing fruit from frost to keep reaping delicious veggies as long as possible.

Want to plant more? In addition to lettuce, other great cool-weather crops are other leafy greens like spinach and root crops, plus plants in the cabbage family.

Stop by Woodbridge and get to planting your fall crop of lettuce now in this superb gardening weather. We have plenty of young lettuce seedlings tucked in between a great variety of perennials, shrubs and trees at Woodbridge Greenhouses to give you a head start.TIP: This is GREAT weather for planting Hydrangeas!!

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