Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chipmunks: Pesky Pests or Cute Critters?

Have you also noticed more than the usual number of chipmunks running along the old stone walls lately? Granted, chipmunks look cute romping through the woods. Many campers have encountered chipmunks that will climb into your hand for a little snack. Once their paths cross ours, though, it can be a much different story.
To restore a peaceful relationship with chipmunks, it comes down to food and shelter. You will need to cut off their food supply and block their access to your shelter.


Weighing four ounces or less, these petite cousins to squirrels hoard food, collecting and storing much more than they can eat in a season. Chipmunks see our bird feeders, compost piles, fruit trees and pet food dishes as all-you-can eat-buffets.

Don't even think of poisoning them: It is illegal; and they'll most likely store the poisoned food, which may eventually poison other types of critters.

Most of the damage they cause in gardens is in their pursuit of your tasty bulbs. Keeping Chipmunks out of your garden is tricky. Unlike some pests, there aren't any plants they dislike so much that they won't walk past. Ditto for mothballs (which may cause cancer in people and pets).

One home remedy to try is spraying the area around your bulbs with a potent spray. Combine pureed garlic and hot peppers. Steeped them in hot soapy water. Strain this mixture into a spray bottly and spray the plants they are most attracted to: bulbs and root crops. Reapply after heavy rains. Other likely repellents are castor oil, predator urine and ammonium soap.


Measuring four inches or less (tail included), they are small enough to fit in places we have trouble finding. Their den (of destruction) can be identified by a hole dug straight down that measure approximately 2" in diameter, unless you are lucky enough to have stone walls where they prefer to live.

If you suspect damage to your home from chipmunks, carefully examine the foundation of your home. Wherever you find a space, gap or crevice, cover the hole with newspaper. If the newspaper stays intact for five days, you have found their entrance point. You have just gained the upper hand and can block their entrance (seal small spaces with caulk, cover vents with screen, etc.)

Consider providing them with a shelter of their own: a stone wall (pile) far away from your home and delicious garden.


Have a heart and use a trap...well there are two kinds of traps. Known as a "Have a Heart" the kinder trap catches the critters so you can release them in a more suitable location. The other kind, is not as kindhearted...

Death Knell

Personally, I have a soft spot for the striped little critters, so I don't sanction this method. But I will relay it in hopes that it will be used in only the most desperate of situations. Our neighbors eliminated their mouse and chipmunk problems with a home-made trap made from a five-gallon bucket filled halfway with water. They then sprinkled birdseed on top to cover the water. The chipmunks reach for the seeds, fall into the unseen water below, and drown. The neighbors swear that they "caught" over 20 within a week. Certainly not for me.

The official word from the DEM website: Note: Chipmunks are not considered "furbearers".
"In Rhode Island, state law (RIGL 20-16-2
) allows a property owner to kill, by legal means, any furbearer (as defined in RIGL 20-16-1) that is killing or attempting to kill any livestock or domestic animals, destroying crops, creating a health hazard, or causing economic damage to their property. However, the law does not allow for the random taking of wildlife, for the taking of furbearers for their pelts outside the open season, or for killing of animals outside the boundaries of the property of the person with the problem. Also, it does not allow for unlawful methods of take such as poisons, snares, foothold traps, or discharge of firearms in violation of state or local ordinances. The law states that animals taken must be reported to the DEM within 24 hours.

The DEM does not recommend that property owners attempt to live trap nuisance furbearers unless they are prepared or willing to euthanize the offending animal. State regulations prohibit the live capture and translocation of furbearers. Captured furbearers can only legally be released on the property on which they were captured. (Capturing a wild animal ...and releasing it in another location is prohibited in Rhode Island. Regulations adopted by the Department of Environmental Management prohibit the translocation of "protected furbearers" (raccoon, opossum, skunk, gray squirrel, rabbits, woodchuck, muskrat, beaver, weasels, fisher, mink, red and gray fox, coyote, river otter, and bobcat ).

FYI: DEM does not remove or relocate nuisance wildlife. Nuisance Wildlife Control Specialists are professionals licensed by the DEM, who for a fee provide wildlife control services.

Invite an Owl...

Natural predators, such as owls, may be enticed to your yard if you provide them with a home. Owls feed on small rodents like chipmunks. Not only will the owl take care of chipmunk control, but will also control voles, moles, mice and rats. (Some house cats are quite capable at controlling Chipmunk populations.)

Try something stinky...or a good hunter.
At our house, we prefer the potent garlic spray. It also keeps mosquitoes and ticks at bay. Of course, our cat does her share to help keep them in check. Good luck!

1 comment:

get rid of chipmunks said...

Some great advice :)

Regarding your last tip (Try Something Stinky), fox urine pellets and mothballs are said get rid of chipmunks....or you could just get a cat :)