Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The 2012 Summer Programs

This series is a joint effort of the URI Master Gardener Association and the RI Wild Plant Society:
Propagation on July 17, 2012, Tuesday at 10:30 AM

Designing for Habitat in Small Places on September 18, 2012, Tuesday at 10:30 AM

A Rhody Native presentation on November 20, 2012, Tuesday at 10:30 AM

Members and public are invited at no charge. Master Gardeners receive Education credits for attending. If interested in attending, please call Joyce Crook at 268-1590, X402; or email her at:jcrook@northkingstown.org. North Kingstown Beechwood Center, A Center for Life Enrichment. Click for more info.

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What's that insect and what's it doing with that plant? insectplant talk july 2012
Step into the diversity and specificity of plant and insect interactions as presented in Doug Tallamy's riveting book, "Bringing Nature Home".
Short lecture by Lisa Tewksbury, research associate at URI, followed by a field experience to observe closely how plants and insects depend on one another.   East Farm at URI in Kingstown.  Tuesday July 24, 2012 .
Click for More info.

Free Programs at the:
Roger Williams Park Botanical Center Botanical Center
All workshops are FREE, start at 10am and are held outside in the Roger Williams Park Community Garden or in the Botanical Center if it rains.

July 14: Creating Nectaries: Attracting & Keeping Beneficial Insects: plants and cultural practices that create habitats for beneficial insects including native species and honey bees. The importance of beneficial insects as pollinators and predators will be discussed.
*This workshop will be hosted in the Botanical Center Blockhouse Classroom.
July 21: Gardening Tools: Learn how to clean and sharpen your garden tools to keep them in shape all season long.
Find more about "What Grows on in Rhode Island" here.