Thursday, December 9, 2010

Short Story of a Gardener's Winter Woes:

While visiting a dear friend last month, she paused at her kitchen sink and pointed out the window at the few fading leaves left on her maple and birch trees.

She sadly shared her dread of the coming of their stark winter silhouettes. I could see where she had cleared the droopy annuals from her neat garden borders and clipped back her perennials, exposing a barren expanse of fading mulch.

How then, can she (and the rest of us, too) add brightness and color to these cold, short days? Until the ground thaws in spring, most of us will focus inside our homes. Indoors we can give extra attention to our houseplants and occasionally bring home a bright bouquet.

Outside the ground is past planting, but it's never too early to start planning... to add some winter variety to our landscapes. Click here for information we shared last year about plants that add some interest to the often barren winter landscape.

by Renee Brannigan

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